Alaska Sportfishing Adventures
Deluxe Salmon Sportfishing Expedition
Online Tour Presentation & Informational Website
Ketchikan, Alaska
"The Salmon Capitol of the World"
Carol Dooley is the Owner & Operator of Alaska Sportfishing Adventures, LLC which was created in 2004. Carol is a longtime local Alaskan whose family moved to Ketchikan back in 1964. Carol grew up working under her parents Ollie & Marge Hanger who were pioneers in tourism in SE Alaska's cruise industry back in the 1970's and 1980's. Carol has over 35 year's experience providing Salmon Fishing Expeditions for cruise line companies and their passengers. Carol owns the C/V Never Enough a 35 foot sportfishing charter vessel as well as hiring and managing sub-contracted vessels with owner/operators. She is an avid sport fishing participant enjoying spending as much time as possible out on the water and sport fishing at every opportunity.
By Carol Dooley, Owner & Operator
Alaska Sportfishing Adventures, LLC
​​​Some of my earliest memories as a child are of my parents working with Cruise Ships. My first job was when I was ten years old standing on the dock selling postcards to the tourists while my parents nearby dealt with organizing tours and placing cruise passengers onto busses, boats and float planes. Both my parents were highly involved in the beginning stages of the cruise industry's entry to the SE Alaska market. My Mother Marge Hanger owned and operated Ketchikan Sportfishing and managed a large fleet of charter boats to accommodate the cruise lines for over 20 years. My father Ollie Hanger owned & operated Ketchikan Marketing & Management, Inc. and created and represented many tours that are today still conducted for cruise passengers. My father Ollie Hanger's contribution to SE Alaska tourism was substantial and he was recognized by the 19th Alaska Legislature as a pioneer in tourism in SE Alaska in the 1970's and 1980's. I worked as a manager for my mother at her sportfishing company for fourteen years before she passed in 2002 and have carried on by opening my own company Alaska Sportfishing Adventures, LLC to provide sportfishing charters to the cruise lines. ​
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Carol with a nice King Salmon

Carol Silver fishing with friends & family

Carol with a nice Silver salmon

Carol with a nice King Salmon